Friday, June 22, 2012

Threat and Error Management

At today's Engage group, one of our brothers had some disturbing news:  One of his employees was arrested for soliciting child prostitution in a sting operation.  Apparently, the alleged offender is a church-going family man and Boy Scout leader. 

Our discussion today revolved around the battles we face every day and how our choices determine which road we go down; the road to our demise or the road to the life God intended for us.

In my aviation safety and human factors life, we talk about threat and error management and something called the "Swiss Cheese Model Of Accident Causation" (James Reason).

First off, I loathe the use of the term "accident" because it is used far too often in cases where a bad result did not come upon those involved through pure chance.  "Incident" is a better word with the point being that the result of our actions do not happen purely by accident

Anyway, the Swiss Cheese Model Reason came up with looks like this:  The only thing standing between danger and a bad outcome is 4 slices of swiss cheese. 

The first slice of cheese could be thought of as organizational influences or culture.  The second slice could be management/supervision.  The third slice, precursor to unsafe actions, and the fourth slice, an unsafe action.

If holes in each of these areas line up (i.e. each slice does not stop a chain of events), the incident occurs.  Our best prevention is in ensuring one of the slices can "trap" the chain of events and prevent the bad outcome.

In our own lives, the first slice (culture) could be thought of as the rules that apply to our lives; standards we live by. 

The second slice could be how we actually manage our culture; how we conduct ourselves to ensure that our culture/standards are adhered to (i.e. discipline, leading by example, etc.)

The third slice is a precondition to an unsafe behavior.  In other words, what set up the conditions further up the cheese line to lead to an unsafe behavior.

The fourth slice is the unsafe act itself, such as acting on our impulse to lie, cheat, or steal.

Fortunately, there is hope!  Each slice can block the chain of events to eliminate or mitigate a threat.  For example, if a threat makes it through the culture, management, and precondition, but the threat is recognized before an unsafe act is chosen, the bad outcome does not occur.  The idea is, manage the threat as early as possible by having the right culture and management to stop the threat further up the chain of events.

Also, the slices could include countermeasures.  Countermeasures are those actions taken to eliminate or mitigate (reduce) a threat or hazard.
- What types of countermeasures do you use to keep yourself on the right path?
- What stands in the way of applying these countermeasures?  What will you do to ensure that countermeasures are applied to prevent a bad (or disastrous) outcome?
- What Biblical references can be applied to this concept?


Monday, June 18, 2012

Biblia para Ninos Historias de Jesus

I've just taken delivery of 40 "The Jesus Storybook Bible" and hope to have the remain 60 by July 5th (too close for comfort!).  This Bible has some amazing artwork and has parallel Spanish/English stories we've all heard.  For kids 4-10 years old, I'm finding the writing and illustrations fascinating. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

13 Seconds

I looked at my watch -- only ten minutes to go until my first final exam for a 2-year effort to earn my certification in safety management.  Plenty of time to clear out some email.

The post on the Facebook webpage simply read, "Saw an obit for John C____ this morning."  My heart sunk as I tried processing the news.

John has a unique last name -- there's no mistaking it.  The age, 48 years, fit.  John was a good friend to many and, most importantly, a great husband and father. 

The conversation in my head volleyed conflicting thoughts.  "Keep it together for the exam."  "Maybe it's not him.  How could it not be?"  You know the first reactions after this kind of news goes from shock to denial."  "He was so young."  "Need more information."  "Why did we lose touch?  Too busy, I guess.  Put off plans to get together."  "Regrets."

I found my self praying, "Please God, let it not be true," as if John would be resurrected.  "Denial.  Shock.  Keep it together here.  Besides, I'm  in West Virginia.  There's nothing to do until I get home."  "What about Jeanne and the boys?"

"What would I say at John's funeral?" I asked.  "Two sentences," I answered my self.

"John had the guts to invite me to church in 1990 and I accepted Christ into my heart that day.  My life changed that day, and it's been great ever since."

In the next 13 seconds, I realized I'm not ready -- He helped me change my life and I'd need to live for him.

I'm not ready to go - there's so much to do to serve God, to serve others.  I'm going to Nicaragua.  I want to go as much as I need to.  I'm too young.  Kimberly and I just found each other.  My daughters are too young to lose their dad.  A moment of truth came over me, realizing that the certification, the busy-ness, the 60 hour work week (for me) got in the way of my service to my family and my neighbors. 

My mom still lives in the home I grew up in.  "Maybe Mom will know something."  As the phone rang, in only seconds, I recalled all the times John stopped by Mom's house periodically after my dad died (suddenly at 51).  When Mom answered, she said her heart sunk when she saw the obituary. 

Before we were done, we realized something just wasn't right, so Mom said she'd get more info and call me back.  Time to go in to the exam.

After purging a few tears and collecting my thoughts, Mom emailed me after checking the funeral home website.  I wasn't the John C_____ we know.  Thank God.  Wait; A young man with a family, my age, young kids, wife; no longer with us.  One whose family is experiencing a deep loss.

I thought hard after the exam.  "How will I respond to this after it grabbed my attention?  Will I live up to my concerns and promises to live for others?  What will I do about not being "ready?"  I prayed, "God, don't ever leave me out of Your great plans, even if my part is to have caused others to come to you after I leave my life here behind.  In the mean time, use me to your fullest extent for your glory."

I can't wait to see Kimberly, Natalie, Grace, and Elvis.  Wrap my arms around them and tell them I love them and they mean more to me than anything in the world. 

John, if you're reading this, your simple invitation outside of your comfort zone has impacted my life tremendously.  You affected my thoughts today, causing me to recall what's important in life. 

Although we don't stay in touch, I love you, brother.  Thank you.  Thank you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bibles, Part 2

Just located and ordered 100 Spanish illustrated Bibles for ages 4-10!  Should be here in the next several days.

Also just found out church sponsored over 2000 kids with World Vision last weekend.  Most in Mozambique and additional sponsorships are still coming in.


Saturday, June 9, 2012

What is "Spiritual Avulsion"

Some have asked where the name "Spiritual Avulsion" on the blog comes from.  Good question.

SA is a somewhat personal term I've used to describe the tearing of the soul when I went through a very bad time in life that is indescribable.  At that time, the experience was so intense that I could sense a separation (of sorts) of the parts of my being - body, mind, and spirit. 

In a sense, I've had a similar experience when I asked God to make me the man He wants me to be.  If you've ever read C. S. Lewis's Voyage Of The Dawn Treader, one of the characters (can't recall his name, but it was the bratty cousin) was turned into a dragon and desparately wanted to be turned back into a boy.  The scales couldn't be scraped off, as hard as he tried to rid himself of them.

The only thing that saved him was a painful avulsion of his being, and when he turned back into a boy, he was truly transformed. 

Over the past several months, Kimberly and I have commited ourselves to living our faith to the best of our ability each day.  Preparing for Nicaragua, I must say, has not been smooth.  Planning itself with the team has been great, but personally, many doubts have crept in and exuses keep hammering away as additional life tasks continue to add up. 

So, most recently, the spiritual avulsion has been in God removing the scales from me, and it's not been painless, and attacks come from the bad guy.  But, I am putting on the full armor of God each day and thanking God for sending me to do the work he has for me.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

OrphaNetwork - Nicaragua

Here's a link to the OrphaNetwork - Nicaragua.

The page describes what the organization is about and how to help. 

29 Days To Departure

Where did May go?  As I get closer to the departure date, my heart is opened a bit more each day, being sensitive to promptings by God and my own thoughts on how to serve better. 

This weekend, Eagle Brook is presenting a message on servanthood and the impact we can make on Mozambique Africa and the work of World Vision.  I am continually amazed at the journey Richard Stearns has taken from atheist to Christian to CEO to World Vision CEO.  He has a gift for writing, having the ability to explain what our calling is to the poor around the world, and how each Christian must act.

Individually, sponsoring one child makes a difference in one child's life.  Together, an entire church or other community can impact a number of people. 

Part of my decision to go to Nicaragua came from a realization that I wasn't really living my faith, and that I owe my entire life to Christ.  Not that I can gain anything by my good works.  That said, I know I can't earn salvation through serving -- I can 't earn God's favor with my works -- I can't do enough to do that. 

The key is that Christ already earned God's favor for me.  Through God's grace and believing in Christ, Christ already paid the price.  I want to go to Nicaragua, not because I can earn God's favor by going, but because I want to serve Christ.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

On Purpose

Every follower of Christ was made for a purpose, and one of our most important tasks is to discern what that purpose is.  God does nothing by happenstance; God is a God of order and He created us all with a purpose.  He envisioned our lives at the very beginning of time itself! 

He brings key people into our lives and provides life experiences that shape us - for His purposes.

I read a quote by Mother Teresa:  " I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world."

"Daddy, I'm here with an open heart for you to use.  Show me what you want me to do for your glory.  It's all yours."