Thursday, April 12, 2012

How I Got Here

Not 30 days ago, K and I were planning on heading up north to do some cross country skiing and snowshoeing with our friends who live outside of Two Harbors.  K wanted to go so I could "disconnect" from the work world for a few days.  We almost made a big mistake by cancelling - no snow, no skiing.

Sara talked us into getting away for a few days, and with kids on spring break with their mother, we had a great opportunity.

Meanwhile via email, we asked our pastor where some funds were needed at church, then left town with the cell phone off, no email, and peace and quiet ahead.

While at Donny and Sara's, the weather was beautiful:  perfect weather for walking the dogs, peaceful reflection, prayer, and reading.  We were amazed by the northern lights at night and the warm, yet cool-damp air.

Most of my reading tugged at my heart:  Crazy Love by Francis Chan and Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman both challenged me to rethink my Christanity.  Was I/Am I merely living comfortably, keeping poverty, sickness, death, abuse, and hunger at a distance?  Is that what Christ called me to do?  When I accepted Christ, I was saved by grace, but what about the rest of the story?

I found my self singing "Revelation Song" to no one but God, having time to talk with Him personally.  "God?" I said.  "Show me what you want me to do.  I'll do it.  I have been strengthened by what you've shown me -- speaking to my) heart." 

On the way home, we stopped at a rest area, and K told me I couldn't check my emails (so of course, doing what any good husband would do, I checked my mail when she wasn't looking).

Our pastor, Don, left a message that simply said, "Why don't you go to Nicaragua."   I knew in my heart of hearts that this is what I was supposed to do.  The last place on earth I expected.  I don't speak Spanish -- had no desire to try to learn before this.

When K got back in the truck and began driving, she caught on to my silence.  "You checked your email, didn't you."  Busted.  I replied simply, "I think I'm supposed to go to Nicaragua."