Monday, October 15, 2012

Best of 2012: Faith In A Hotel Pool

Over the next few weeks, I hope you take a moment to read the occasional "Best Of" repost, which will be made of installments that generated the most responses. 

This "Best Of" was originally published in October.  Enjoy!

When my girls were small, they loved going swimming at pools, preferably hotels. 

When Grace was 3, she clung to me like Velcro, sometimes choking me with her arms around my neck.  Dads, you know the grip kids have; there's no need to hang on to the child because there was no way they would let go. 

Part of the fun for Grace was to see how far she could jump, so I'd back up gradually until she yelled to stop.  Her point always seemed so close from my view, then she'd jump almost onto my head, I was so close.  Each time, I encouraged her to let me stand a little further back.  She'd hesitate, then beg me to come closer.  Each time, she'd jump right into my outstretched arms, no matter how far out I was.

At times, I'd need to reassure her that I was close enough, despite her disbelief.  When her eyes told her I was too far out, she'd hesitate and beg me to come back.

It was only when I backed up just out of her reach that she believed in herself (and her dad!) that she'd be OK.  That her legs would be stronger each time she jumped.  That her dad wouldn't let anything bad happen.

More than once, she'd end up just short of my arms and plunge into the water, and I'd see her eyeballs w i d e open glaring up at me.  Then her hands would meet mine and I'd pull her up, only to have her cling to my neck and back.

Funny thing is, no matter how scared she was after plunging into the water, she wanted to jump again and again and again.  It was fun!

Sometimes I think that's how God, our Father, treats us with our faith.  As we grow closer to Him, we can trust him, knowing that he's within reach.  At the same time, I think he backs up a bit each time our faith is stretched, helping us grow in dependence on him while trusting him with bigger things.

Just as Grace did, we go back for more when our faith-growth is stretched.  Sometimes we plunge, reaching for God to grab us only to have him pull us out and reassure us that he's with us. 

Then we go back for more. 

I find myself plunging in quite a bit.  But I'd never give up the growth in Him -- it's fun and I'd miss out on the adventure of "the jump" if I didn't try.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! I think the more we draw parallels between our experiences as earthly fathers with our personal experiences with our Heavenly Father, we can better see and understand the guiding hand of God in our lives as dads, husbands, brothers, and friends. I never thought about this particular corollary before - and I appreciate how you linked the swimming pool experience. I can think of many instances - in the pool and elsewhere - where I have had to draw myself closer to my sons to gain their trust, but have seen their trust and confidence grow exponentially when I step back slightly.
