Monday, May 21, 2012

Fundraising Success!

Each day, I'm amazed at the work that God is doing, even when it feels like nothing is happening.  Last week, our fundraising efforts slowed after a very successful 5 weeks.  Thanks to your generosity, I only had $200 left to have the entire mission paid for! 

Last week, I received two checks for $100 each, completely unexpected! 

This week, we'll be making specific team plans and determining logistics for helping the Casa Bernabe staff and children.  I'm excited to be one of those selected to provide medical assistance, helping evaluate and track developmental progress of the kids. 

We also received word that we have an opportunity to serve at another orphanage approximately an hour from our "base" home, which will provide a chance to serve many more kids in need.

For anyone who hasn't read The Hole In Our Gospel by Richard Stearns (CEO of World Vision), please check it out!  Richard has an amazing story of how he came to the position that has changed his life.  A new hero of mine.

I also highly recommend Crazy Love and The Forgotten God by Francis Chan, and Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman; both had a significant impact on my decision to go to Nicaragua.


1 comment:

  1. Great news Jon. I'm inspired by your enthusiasm and I know that you will be blessed and will be a blessing in this whole endeavor. I appreciate you and love you as a brother in the Lord. I will be keeping up with the news as it develops here : )
